Science & Kids

Dr. Nadkarni works with kids in a variety of media: through toys, books, magazines, and events.

TreeTop Barbie

Nalini’s partnership with Mattel and National Geographic has been the focus of media attention, including podcast episodes of Maddie About Science and Short Wave, a segment on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, and an appearance on NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me quiz show. You can find a full list of project coverage on the Media page, or read a summary of coverage on Nalini’s blog.

Barbie And National Geographic Announce Global Licensing Agreement

Co-branded Career Product and Content Roll Out to Inspire Exploration Beginning Spring 2019


Keynote Speaker – NSTA Conference on Science Education

Thursday, December 12, 2019
9:15–10:30 AM



This book explores a special kind of tropical forest that grows at high altitudes — a tropical cloud forest. It presents the cloud forest through the eyes of scientists working in the best-known tropical cloud forest, the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve in Costa Rica, and it shares many of the secrets that these scientists have uncovered through their research. The author highlights the delicate biology of the tropical cloud forests and the continuing efforts to preserve it.

To order:

Rain Forest:

Follow the rain-forest expert Nalini Nadkarni as she climbs through layers of foliage, from the dark forest floor to the misty cloud canopy that teems with life. Visit the world’s most amazing habitat to see its huge variety of flora and fauna, from anteaters to pitcher plants, from piranhas to bromeliads. Readers open the panoramic gatefold to see which spectacular creatures live in each of the rain forest’s layers, then turn the acetates to reveal how the ancient Mayans worshipped at the jungle Temple of the Jaguar in 700 B.C. The journey ends in the giddy heights of the uppermost treetops, where few scientists dare to explore.

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Kazoo Magazine - The Great Green Issue

The Canopy Calls

Wander through these trees and discover just how magical and mysterious the rain forest is- and what it means to us.

Subscriptions and individual editions are available at

Scholastic Science Spin

She Climbs Trees

Nalini is a tree scientist. Some people told her not to climb the trees. Did she listen?

Utah professor played critical role in creating 'Explorer Barbie' - FOX13 Salt Lake City

By: Hailey Danielson


Nalini Nadkarni - L’amiga dels arbes

L’amor pels boscos l’acompanya des de ben petita. Durant quaranta anys s’ha dedicat a estudiar-los i ha viatjat per tot el món per entendre’ls a fons. Ara també impulsa iniciatives perquè tothom tingui ben clara la necessitat de cuidar la natura!

To read this article visit the link here!

Sky-High Pools

Check out this branch, high on a tree in a tropical forest. Those thick, pale-green leaves and pink flowers you see are not part of the tree. They’re bromeliads (broh-MEE-lee-adz). Most bromeliads are epiphytes (EH-puh-fites)—plants that grow on trees. The stiff, waxy leaves on this and many other bromeliads grow to form a cup in their center. The cup collects and holds rain and dew drops. That’s why they’re called tank bromeliads: They hold water where tree-dwelling animals can get to it. Turn the page to meet some visitors to these treetop tanks.

To read this article visit the link here!

Treetop Scientist

Nalini Nadkarni climbs to the tops of trees to study what lives up there.

To read this article visit the link here!

The Canopy Calls

Wander through these trees with Nalini Nadkarni and discover just how magical and mysterious the rain forest is—and what it means to us.

To read this article visit the link here!

Life in the Treetops

Climb with Nalini Nadkarni to discover what lives at the top of Costa Rica’s cloud forests.

To read this article visit the link here!