Ferguson, B., S. Gotsch; C. Williams, H. Wilson; C. Barnes; T. Dawson; and N. Nadkarni. 2022. Variation in cloud immersion, not precipitation, drives vascular epiphyte leaf trait plasticity and water relations during an extreme drought. American Journal of Botany 109:550-563.
Williams, C., S. Gotsch, R. Bicaba, R. Cruz-de Hoyos, A., Darby, K. Davidson, M. Dix, V. Duarte, A. Glunk, L. Green, B. Ferguson, K. Munoz-Elizondo, J. Murray, I. Picado-Fallas, R. Naesbog, T. Dawson, and N. Nadkarni. 2022. Trade-offs between succulent and non-succulent epiphytes underlie variation in drought tolerance and avoidance. Oecologia 198:645–661.
Amici A., N. M. Nadkarni, N., Lackey, and K. Bricker. Conservation, education, and adventure tourism: A case study of adventure parks as potential venues for communication in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Journal of Ecotourism. In Press.
Williams, C., J. Murray, A. Glunk, T. Dawson, N. Nadkarni, and S. Gotsch. 2020. Vascular epiphytes show low physiological resistance and high recovery capacity to episodic, short-term drought in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Functional Ecology 34:1537-1550.
Amici, A., N. Nadkarni, C. Williams, and S. Gotsch. 2020. Differences in epiphyte biomass and community composition along landscape and within-crown spatial scales. Biotropica 52: 46-58. Doi: 10.1111/btp.12725.
Liu, J.-W., S.-F. Li, C.-T. Wu, I. A. Valdespino, J.-F. Ho, Y.-H. Wu, H.-M. Chang, et al. 2020. Gigantic chloroplasts, including bizonoplasts, are common in shade-adapted species of the ancient vascular plant family Selaginellaceae. American Journal of Botany 107(4): 1–15.
Amici, A., N. Nadkarni, J. Seger, and E. DiBlasi. 2019. Contrasting effects of host tree isolation on population connectedness in two tropical epiphytic bromeliads. American Journal of Botany. 106:1602-1611; Doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1391.
Amici, A., N. Nadkarni, C. Williams, and S. Gotsch. Differences in epiphyte biomass and community composition along landscape and within-crown spacial scales. Biotropica. In Press.
Nadkarni, N. M., and K. Kohl. 2019. Elements of disturbance that affect epiphyte vitality in a temperate rainforest: an experimental approach. Journal of Plant Ecology 12:306-313.
Dangerfield, C., N. M. Nadkarni, and W. Brazelton. 2017. Canopy soil bacterial communities altered by severing host tree limbs. PeerJ: DOI 10.7717/peerj.3773
Gotsch, S.G., N. M. Nadkarni, and A. Amici. 2016. The functional roles of epiphytes and arboreal soils in tropical montane cloud forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 1-14.
Li, S. F., J. W. Liu, C. T. Wu, I. Valdespino, N. Salazar, N. Nadkarni, J. W. H. Yong, B. Adjie, P. Saenger, P. Chesson, C. L. Huang and C. R. Sheue. 2015. The occurrence of monoplastidy in the ancient genus Selaginella associated with phylogeny. The 7th Annual Meeting, 15th-18th November, Asia and Oceania Conference on Photobiology, Taipei, Taiwan.
Sheldon, K.S. and N.M. Nadkarni. 2015. Reproductive phenology of epiphytes in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical 63: 1119-1126.
Chalmers, J., K. Mock, K. Kohl, and N. Nadkarni. 2015. Clonality and dynamics of leaf abscission of Gambel Oaks at small spatial scales in Utah. Forest Science 61:829-833
Gotsch, S., N. Nadkarni, A. Darby, M. Dix, A. Glunk, K. Davidson, and T. Dawson. 2015. Life in the treetops: ecophysiological strategies of canopy epiphytes in a tropical montane cloud forest. Ecological Monographs 85:393-412.
Tejo Haristoy, C., D. Zabowski, and N. Nadkarni. 2015. Total and epiphyte litter under the canopy of Acer macrophyllum stands in an old-growth temperate rainforest, Washington State, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.
Tejo Haristoy, C., D. Zabowski, and N. Nadkarni. 2014. Physical and chemical characteristics of canopy soils of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) in the Queets River Watershed, Washington State. Soil Science Society of America 78: S118-S124.
Sheldon, K. and N. Nadkarni. 2013. The use of pasture trees by birds in a tropical montane landscape in Monteverde, Costa Rica. 2013. Journal of Tropical Ecology 29:459–462.
Sheldon, K., and N. Nadkarni. 2013. Spatial and temporal variation of seed rain in the canopy and on the ground of a tropical cloud forest. Biotropica 45:549–556.
Aubrey, D.A., N. M. Nadkarni, and C. P. Broderick. 2013. Patterns of moisture and temperature in canopy and terrestrial soils in a temperate rainforest, Washington. Botany (formerly Canadian Journal of Botany) 91: 739-744.
Liang Song, Wen-Yao Liu, and N. Nadkarni. 2012. Response of non-vascular epiphytes to simulated climate change in a montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest in southwest China. Biological Conservation 152:127–135.
Nadkarni, M., G. G. Parker, and M. D. Lowman. 2011. Forest canopy studies as an emerging field of science. Forest Science. 68:217–224.
Dial, R.J., Nadkarni, N.M. & Jewell, C.D. 2011. Canopy structure in a 650-year Douglas-fir chronosequence in western Washington- distribution of canopy elements and open space. rubra canopy roots- an assessment of genetic diversity, propagule availability, and effects on soil nitrogen. Microbial Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s00248-009-9587-8.
Rousk, J. and N. M. Nadkarni. 2009. Growth measurements of saprotrophic fungi and bacteria reveal differences between canopy and forest floor soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.41:862-865.
Nadkarni, N. M., and W. A. Haber. 2009. Canopy seed banks as ‘time capsules’ of biodiversity in pasture remnant tree crowns. Conservation Biology 23:1117-1126 (with cover photograph by J. Longino).
Wolf, J. H. D., S. R. Gradstein, and N. M. Nadkarni. 2009. A protocol for sampling vascular epiphyte richness and abundance. Journal of Tropical Ecology 25:107-121.
Nadkarni, N. M., A.C.S. McIntosh, and J. B. Cushing. 2008. A conceptual framework to categorize perceptions and understanding of forest structure. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 872–882.
McIntosh, A.C.S., Cushing, J.B., Nadkarni, N.M., and Zeman, L.. 2007. Database design for ecologists- composing core entities with observations. Ecological Informatics 2:224–236.
Cushing, J.B., N.M. Nadkarni, M. Finch, A.C.S. Fiala, E. Murphy-Hill, L. Delcambre, and D. Maier. 2007. Component-based end-user database design for ecologists. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 29: 7-24.
Yanoviak, S.P., N. M. Nadkarni, and R. Solano. 2006. Arthropod assemblages in epiphyte mats of Costa Rican cloud forests. Biotropica 36: 202–210.
Clark, K.C., N. M. Nadkarni, and H. L. Gholz. 2005. Retention of inorganic nitrogen by epiphytic bryophytes in a tropical montane forest. Biotropica 37: 328-336.
Schonberg, L., J. T. Longino, N. M. Nadkarni, S. P. Yanoviak, and J. Gering. 2004. Arboreal ant species richness in primary forest, secondary forest, and pasture habitats of a tropical montane landscape. Biotropica 36:402–409.
Nadkarni, N. M., D. A. Schaefer, T. J. Matelson, and R. Solano. 2004. Biomass and nutrient pools of canopy and terrestrial components in a primary and a secondary montane cloud forest, Costa Rica. Forest Ecology and Management 198:223-236.
Van Pelt, R., S.C. Sillett, and N.M. Nadkarni. 2004. Quantifying and visualizing canopy structure in tall forests: methods and a case study. Pages 49–72 in Lowman, M. and B. Rinker, eds. Forest Canopies, 2nd edition. Elsevier, Boston, MA.
Van Pelt, R. and N. M. Nadkarni. 2004. Horizontal and vertical distribution of canopy structural elements of Pseudotsuga menziesii forests in the Pacific Northwest. Forest Science 50:326-341.
Nadkarni, N. M. and M. Sumera. 2004. Old-growth forest canopy structure and its relationship to throughfall interception. Forest Science 50:290-298.
Bawa, K.S., W. J. Kress, N. M. Nadkarni, S. Lele, P. H. Raven, D. H. Janzen, A.E. Lugo, P.S. Ashton, & T.E. Lovejoy. 2004. Tropical ecosystems into the 21st century. Science 306:227-228.
Yanoviak, S. P., H. A. Walker, and N. M. Nadkarni. 2004. Arthropod assemblages in vegetative vs. humic portions of epiphyte mats in a neotropical cloud forest. Pedobiologia 48:51-58.
Yanoviak, S. P., G. Kragh, and N. M. Nadkarni. 2003. Spider assemblages in Costa Rican cloud forests- effects of forest level and forest age. Studies on Neotropical Fanua and Environment 38:145-154.
Cushing, J. B., B. Bond, R. Dial, and N. M. Nadkarni. 2003. How trees and forests inform biodiversity and ecosystem informatics. Computing in Science and Engineering 5:32-43.
Reich, A., J. J. Ewel, N. M. Nadkarni, T. Dawson, and R. D. Evans. 2003. Nitrogen isotope ratios shift with plant size in tropical bromeliads. Oecologia 137:587-590.
Rains, K. C., N. M. Nadkarni, and C. S. Bledsoe. 2003. Epiphytic and terrestrial mycorrhizas in a lower montane Costa Rican cloud forest. Mycorrhiza 13:257-264.
Gradstein, S. R., N. M. Nadkarni, T. Kromer, I. Holz, & N. Norse. 2003. A protocol for rapid and representative sampling of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte diversity of tropical rain forests. Selbyana 24:105-111.
Yanoviak, S. P., N. M. Nadkarni, and J. Gering. 2003. Arthropods in epiphytes- a diversity component that is not effectively sampled by canopy fogging. Biodiversity and Conservation 12:731-741.
Merwin, M., S. Rentmeester, and N. M. Nadkarni. 2003. The influence of host tree species on the distribution of epiphytic bromeliads in experimental monospecific plantations, La Selva, Costa Rica. Biotropica 35:37-47.
Hietz, P., Wanek, W., Wania, R., and N. M. Nadkarni. 2002. 15N natural abundance in a montane cloud forest canopy as an indicator of nitrogen cycling and epiphyte nutrition. Oecologia. 131: 350-355.
Nadkarni, N. M. 2002. In the treetops: life in the rainforest canopy. World Book Science Year Book2003:54-67.
Nadkarni, N. M. and R. Solano. 2002. Potential effects of climate change on canopy communities in a tropical cloud forest- an experimental approach. Oecologia 131:580-84.
Chandra, A., and N. M. Nadkarni. 2002. Four realizations of forest canopy retranslocation data. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Auditory Display, Kyoto, Japan, July 2–5, 2002.
Nadkarni, N. M., D. A. Schaefer, T. J. Matelson, and R. Solano. 2002. Comparison of arboreal and terrestrial soil characteristics in a lower montane forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica. Pedobiologia 46:24-33.
Merwin, M. C. and N. M. Nadkarni. 2001. 100 years of tropical bryophyte and lichen ecology- a bibliographic guide to the literature from 1901–2000. Tropical Bryology 21:97-118.
Gradstein, S. R., D. Griffin III, M. I. Morales, and N. M. Nadkarni. 2001. Diversity and habitat differentiation of mosses and liverworts in the cloud forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica. Caldasia 23:203-12.
Merwin, M., S. R. Gradstein, and N. M. Nadkarni. 2001. Epiphytic bryophytes of Monteverde, Costa Rica. Tropical Bryology 20:63-70.
Nadkarni, N. M. 2001. Enhancement of forest canopy research, education, and conservation in the new millennium. Plant Ecology 153:361-67.
Nadkarni, N. M., and J. B. Cushing. 2001. Lasers in the jungle- the canopy database project. Ecological Bulletin 82:200-01.
Cobb, A. R., N. M. Nadkarni, G. A. Ramsey, and A. J. Svoboda. 2001. Recolonization of Bigleaf Maple branches by epiphytic bryophytes following experimental disturbance. Canadian Journal of Botany 79:1-8.
Nadkarni, N. M., M. C. Merwin, and J. Nieder. 2001. Forest canopies: plant diversity. In Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, edited by S. Levin, 27-40. Academic Press, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Lyons, B., N. M. Nadkarni, and M. P. North. 2000. Spatial distribution and succession of epiphytes on Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock) in an old-growth Douglas-fir forest. Canadian Journal of Botany 78:957-68.
Nadkarni, N. M. 2000. Colonization of stripped branch surfaces by epiphytes in a lower montane cloud forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica. Biotropica 32:358-63.
Nadkarni, N. M., A. R. Cobb, and R. Solano. 2000. Interception and retention of macroscopic bryophyte fragments by branch substrates in a tropical cloud forest- an experimental and demographic approach. Oecologia 122:60-65.
Ghosal, S., A.V. Muruganandam, S. Chauhan, K. Kawanishi, K. Saiki, and N. M. Nadkarni. 1999. Crown humus- Part I – The chemistry of the canopy organic matter of rain forests in Costa Rica. Indian Journal of Chemistry. Section-B, Organic including Medicinal. 38: 67-75.
Clark, K. L., N. M. Nadkarni, and H. L. Gholz. 1998c. Growth, net production, litter decomposition, and net nitrogen accumulation by epiphytic bryophytes in a tropical montane forest. Biotropica 30:12-23.
Clark, K. L., N. M. Nadkarni, D. Schaefer, and H. L. Gholz. 1998b. Atmospheric deposition and net retention of ions by the canopy in a tropical montane forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica. Journal of Tropical Ecology 14:27-45.
Clark, K. L., N. M. Nadkarni, D. Schaefer, and H. L. Gholz. 1998a. Cloud water and precipitation chemistry in a tropical montane forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica. Atmospheric Environment 32:1595-1603.
Ingram, S. W., K. Ferrell-Ingram, and N. M. Nadkarni. 1996. Floristic composition of vascular epiphytes in a neotropical cloud forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica. Selbyana 17:88-103.
Nadkarni, N. M., G. G. Parker, E. D. Ford, J. B. Cushing, and C. Stallman. 1996. The International Canopy Network- a pathway for interdisciplinary exchange of scientific information on forest canopies. Northwest Science: 70:104-08.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1996. Review of: Tropical Forests: Management and Ecology. In Forest Science, edited by A. Lugo and C. Lowe, 42:252-53.
Nadkarni, N. M., T. Matelson, and W. Haber. 1995. Structural characteristics and floristic composition of a neotropical cloud forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica. Journal of Tropical Ecology 11:481-95.
Matelson, T. J., N. M. Nadkarni, and R. Solano. 1995. Tree damage and annual mortality in a montane forest in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Biotropica 27:441-47.
Bohlman, S. T. Matelson, and N. M. Nadkarni. 1995. Moisture and temperature patterns of canopy humus and forest floor soils of a montane cloud forest, Costa Rica. Biotropica 27:13-19.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1995. Good-bye, Tarzan- the science of life in the treetops gets down to business. The Sciences 35:28-33.
Nadkarni, N. M., and G. G. Parker. 1994. A profile of forest canopy science and scientists — who we are, what we want to know, and obstacles we face- results of an international survey. Selbyana 15:38-50.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1994. Factors affecting the initiation and elongation of above-ground adventitious roots in a tropical cloud forest tree- an experimental approach. Oecologia 100:94-97.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1994. Diversity of species and interactions in the upper tree canopy of forest ecosystems. American Zoologist 34:321-330.
Ingram, S., and N. M. Nadkarni. 1993. Composition and distribution of epiphytic organic matter in a neotropical cloud forest, Costa Rica. Biotropica 25:370-383.
Maffia, B., N. M. Nadkarni, and D. P. Janos. 1993. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae of epiphytic and terrestrial Piperaceae under field and greenhouse conditions. Mycorrhiza 4:5-11.
Matelson, T. J., N. M. Nadkarni, and J. T. Longino. 1993. Survivorship of fallen epiphytes in a neotropical cloud forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica. Ecology 74:265-269.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1992. The conservation of epiphytes and their habitats- summary of a discussion at the international Symposium on The Biology and Conservation of Epiphytes. Selbyana 13:140-142.
Nadkarni, N. M., and K. Ferrell-Ingram. 1992. A bibliography of biological literature on epiphytes- an update. Selbyana 13:3-24.
Nadkarni, N. M., and T. Matelson. 1992. Biomass and nutrient dynamics of fine litter of terrestrially rooted material in a neotropical montane forest, Costa Rica. Biotropica 24:113-120.
Vance, E., and N. M. Nadkarni. 1992. Root biomass distribution in a moist tropical montane forest. Plant and Soil 142: 31-39.
Nadkarni, N. M., and T. Matelson. 1992. Biomass and nutrient dynamics of epiphyte litterfall in a neotropical cloud forest, Costa Rica. Biotropica 24:24-30.
Callaway, R., and N. M. Nadkarni. 1991. Seasonal patterns of nutrient deposition in a Quercus douglasii woodland in central California. Plant and Soil 137:209-22.
Clark, K. C., and N. M. Nadkarni. 1991. A bar code plant inventory system. The Public Garden 6:32-34.
Nadkarni, N. M., and T. Matelson. 1991. Fine Litter Dynamics within the Tree Canopy of a Tropical Cloud Forest. Ecology 72:2071-82.
Callaway, R., N. M. Nadkarni, and B. Mahall. 1991. Facilitation and interference of Quercus douglasii on understory production in central California. Ecology 72:1484-89.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1991. Review of Vascular Epiphytes, by D. Benzing. J. Bromeliad Society 41:263.
Longino, J., and N. M. Nadkarni. 1990. A comparison of ground and canopy leaf litter ants (Hymenoptera-Formicidae) in a neotropical montane forest. Psyche 97:81-94.
Callaway, R., N. M. Nadkarni, and B. Mahall. 1990. Blue oaks and pasture productivity- is there a relationship? Fremontia 37: 42-43.
Nadkarni, N. M., and J. Longino. 1990. Macroinvertebrate communities in canopy and forest floor organic matter in a montane cloud forest, Costa Rica. Biotropica 22:286-89.
Vance, E., and N. M. Nadkarni. 1990. Microbial biomass and activity in canopy organic matter and the forest floor of a tropical cloud forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 22:677-684.
Nadkarni, N. M., and R. Primack. 1989. The use of gamma spectrometry to measure within-plant nutrient allocation of a tank bromeliad, Guzmania lingulata. Selbyana 11:22-25.
Nadkarni, N. M., and T. Matelson. 1989. Bird use of epiphyte resources in neotropical trees. The Condor 69:891-907.
Grier, C., K. Lee, N. M. Nadkarni, G. Klock, and P. Edgerton. 1989. Productivity of forests of the United States and its relation to soil and site factors and management practices: a review. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-222, Pacific Northwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Nadkarni, N. M., and R. Primack. 1989. A comparison of mineral uptake and translocation by above-ground and below-ground root systems of Salix syringiana. Plant and Soil 113:39-45.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1988. Use of a portable platform for observation of tropical forest canopy animals. Biotropica 20:350-51.
Fonteyn, P., M. Stone, M. Yancy, J. Baccus, and N. M. Nadkarni. 1988. Determination of community structure by fire. In Edwards Plateau Vegetation: Plant ecological studies in central Texas, edited by B. Amos and F. Gehlbach. Baylor University Press.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1988. Tropical ecology from a canopy perspective. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences. 12:189-208.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1986b. An ecological overview and checklist of vascular epiphytes in the monteverde cloud forest reserve, Costa Rica. Brenesia 24:55-62.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1986. The nutritional effects of epiphytes on host trees with special reference to alteration of precipitation chemistry. Selbyana 9:44-51.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1985. Canopy plants of the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve (Spanish and English version). Tropical Science Center information pamphlet.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1984. Biomass and mineral capital of epiphytes in an Acer macrophyllum community of a temperate moist coniferous forest, Olympic Peninsula, Washington State. Canadian Journal of Botany 62:2223-2228.
Nadkarni, N. M. 1984. Epiphyte biomass and nutrient capital of a neotropical elfin forest. Biotropica 16:249-256.
Nadkarni, N. M.1981. Canopy roots- convergent evolution in rainforest nutrient cycles. Science 213: 1024-25 (with cover photograph).
Bledsoe, C. S., N. M. Nadkarni, W. Littke, and R. Edmonds. 1981. Technique for rapid mycorrhizal colonization of container-grown Douglas-fir by Hebeloma crustuliniforme. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 112: 45-47.
Gressitt, J. L. and N. M. Nadkarni. 1979. The ecology of Mt. Kaindi: Montane forest ecology of Papua New Guinea. Wau Ecology Handbook No. 5.
Nadkarni, Nalini. (2013). Ecologists in prisons: Scientists, inmates, and other underserved audiences create synergistic public engagement.
Nadkarni, Nalini & Stasch, Amy. (2013). Ecosystem science and broader impacts: The need for many approaches. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 11. 10.2307/23470502.
Nadkarni, Nalini. (2012). Understanding rainforest canopies through Intersections of arts-humanities-science and its communication to academic and public audiences.
LeRoy, Carri & Nadkarni, Nalini & Pacholke, Dan & Bush, Kelli & Hayes, Marc & Lynch, Jim & Dunn, Patrick & Linders, Mary & Elliott, Carl & Aubrey, Dennis & Weber, Sarah & Hayduk, Evan & Gallagher, Brittany & Martin, Andrea. (2012). Linking Ecological and Human Restoration: The Sustainability in Prisons Project.
Tejo, Camila & Greaves, Deanne & Zabowski, Darlene & Nadkarni, Nalini. (2012). Decomposition rates in the canopy and forest floor in an old-growth coastal temperate forest in Washington.
Kennedy, P.G. & Schouboe, J.L. & Rogers, R.H. & Weber, M.G. & Nadkarni, Nalini. (2009). Uncultured Frankia sp. clone Q0490 dinitrogenase reductase (nifH) gene, partial cds.
Nadkarni, Nalini & Stevenson, Robert. (2009). Symposium 9: Linking Scientists with Nontraditional Public Audiences to Enhance Ecological Thought. Bulletin of The Ecological Society of America. 90. 134-137. 10.1890/0012-9623-90.1.134.
Cushing, Judith & Zeman, Lee & Kopytko, Natalie & Molnar, Nik & Mcintosh, Anne & Nadkarni, Nalini & Delcambre, Lois & Maier, David & Martin, Fred & Keeley, Ted. (2008). Visualizing tree crowns for forest managers: informatics tools enhance natural resource management.. 411-412. 10.1145/1367832.1367918.
Ishii, H. & Van Pelt, Robert & Parker, Geoffrey & Nadkarni, Nalini. (2004). CHAPTER 5. Age-Related Development of Canopy Structure and Its Ecological Functions. 10.1016/B978-012457553-0/50009-5.
Bawa, Kamaljit & Kress, W. & Nadkarni, Nalini & Lele, Sharachchandra. (2004). Beyond Paradise–Meeting the Challenges in Tropical Biology in the 21st Century. Biotropica. 36. 437 – 446. 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2004.tb00341.x.
Nadkarni, Nalini & Parker, Geoffrey & Rinker, H. Bruce & Jarzen, David. (2004). The Nature of Forest Canopies. 10.1016/B978-012457553-0/50005-8.
Van Pelt, Robert & Nadkarni, Nalini. (2004). Development of Canopy Structure in Pseudotsuga menziesii Forests in the Southern Washington Cascades. Forest Science. 50. 326-341.
Cushing, Judith & Nadkarni, Nalini & Delcambre, Lois & Healy, Keri & Maier, Dave & Ordway, Erik. (2002). The Development of Databases and Database Tools for Forest Canopy Researchers: A Model for Database Enhancement in the Ecological Sciences.
Cushing, Judith & Nadkarni, Nalini & Delcambre, Lois & Maier, David. (2002). Spatial Data Infrastructure for Ecological Research..
Nadkarni, Nalini & Wheelwright, Nathaniel & Clark, Kenneth & Lawton, Robert & Haber, William & Hanson, Paul & Pounds, J & Young, Bruce & McDonald, David & Timm, Robert & Laval, Richard & Murray, K. Greg & Kinsman, Sharon & Burlingame, Leslie & Griffith, Katherine & Peck, Daniel. (2000). Monteverde: Ecology and Conservation of a Tropical Cloud Forest. 10.1093/oso/9780195095609.001.0001.
Nadkarni, Nalini & Longino, John. (1990). Invertebrates in Canopy and Ground Organic Matter in a Neotropical Montane Forest, Costa Rica. Biotropica. 22. 286. 10.2307/2388539.
Cushing, Judith & Nadkarni, Nalini & Healy, Keri & Ordway, Erik & Delcambre, Lois & Maier, Dave. (2023). Template-driven End-User Ecological Database Design.
Thys, T., J. Trevino, and N. M. Nadkarni. 2021. Perceptual-acoustic comparisons of natural sonic environments: applications for nature-deprived populations. Ecopsychology. In Press.
Nalini M. Nadkarni, Tierney M. Thys, James S. Ruff, Allison Anholt, Jeff Treviño, and Sara K. Yeo. 2021. Providing Virtual Nature Experiences to Incarcerated Men Reduces Stress and Increases Interest in the Environment Ecopsychology. 71-83.
Horns, J. J., N. Nadkarni, and A. Anholt. 2020. How repeated exposure to informal science education affects content knowledge of and perspectives on science among incarcerated adults. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0233083. 10.1371/journal.pone.0233083
Nadkarni, N. M., J. S. Morris, J. R. Trivett, K. Bush, B. T. Davey, H. B. Davis, A. Anholt, and D. Scalice. 2020. Impacts of astrobiology lectures on knowledge and attitudes about science in incarcerated populations. Astrobiology 20:1262–1271.
Nadkarni, N. M. and J. Morris. 2018. Informal science education for a novel public audience: Baseline attitudes and impacts of science lectures on content knowledge and values of science among incarcerated populations. Science Communications 40:718-748.
Crockett, E.G., J.E. Marty, K.M. Kettering, and N. Nadkarni. Providing hands-on opportunities for inmates to contribute to ecological research. Corrections Today: 4:41-45.
Nadkarni, N., P. Hasbach, T. Thys, E. Gaines, and L. Schnacker. 2017. Impacts of nature imagery on people in severely nature-deprived environments. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.15:395-403
Nadkarni, N., L. Schnacker, P. Hasbach, T. Thys, and E. Gaines. 2017. From orange to blue: how nature imagery affects inmates in the “Blue Room”. Corrections Today 79:36-41.
Nadkarni, N. 2014. Into the light: bringing science education to the incarcerated. Dimensions, Association for Science and Technology Centers. September/October 2014.
Stasch, A., C. LeRoy, K. Bush, N. Nadkarni, and D. Pacholke. 2012. Interpreting in prisons- the sustainability in prisons project. Legacy. June/July 2012. 12-20.
Ulrich. C. and N. M. Nadkarni. 2009. Sustainability research in enforced residential institutions- collaborations of ecologists and prisoners. Environment, Development, and Sustainability 11:815.-825.
Nadkarni, N. M. 2006. The moss-in-prison project- disseminating science beyond academia. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4:442-443.
Fischer, A., and N. M. Nadkarni. 2005. Moss conservation behind bars- prison inmates help researchers cultivate threatened mosses. Conservation in Practice 6:35-36.
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Nadkarni, N. M. 1999. Bridging gaps between science and society. Giant Screen Theater Association Conference. Proceedings of a Symposium in Giant Screen Films and Lifelong Learning, 28-32.
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Nadkarni, N. M. 2020. Faith and Science as Partners in Environmental Awareness and Creation Care: An Ecologist’s View. Currents in Theology and Mission 3: 42-47.
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Nadkarni, N. 2011. A tapestry of browns and greens, in The colors of nature: culture, identity, and the natural world, A. Deming and L. Savoy, eds. pp. 249-260. Milkweed Edition.
Nadkarni, N. 2010. Green I love you green. in Poetry July-August, pp. 343-345.
Nadkarni N. 2017. Green I love you green. in: Who Reads Poetry? Fred Sasaki and Don Share, eds. University of Chicago Press. Chicago, IL
Nadkarni, N. 2007. Portrait of the artist as a young sapling: trees as artists and mobile entities. Science Creative Quarterly. Issue 3.
Nadkarni, N. and F. Gander. 2019. Between Earth and Sky: Our Intimate Connections with Trees. Poetry-Science Reading. Poet’s House, New York City.
Taylor, T., J. Hirshfield, N. Nadkarni, and R. Carle. 2022. United Nations Summit on Science, UN Panel on Holding Grief and Wonder: Notes on Collaborations between Poets and Scientists.
Davis, C., C. Weber, and N. Nadkarni. 2022. Prevalence of discourse on public engagement with science in ecology literature. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment doi:10.1002/fee.2535
Meissen H, Gong MN, Wong AI, Zimmerman JJ, Nadkarni N, Kane-Gil SL, Amador-Castaneda J, Bailey H, Brown SM, DePriest AD, Mary Eche I, Narayan M, Provencio JJ, Sederstrom NO, Sevransky J, Tremper J, Aslakson RA. 2022. The future of critical care: optimizing technologies and a learning healthcare system to potentiate a more humanistic approach to critical care. Crit Care Explor. 2022 Mar 15;4(3):e0659. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000659. PMID: 35308462; PMCID: PMC8926065.
Nadkarni, N. M. 2012. The future we want. Essay for the RIO+20 website for the United Nations.